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Posts posted by Tet

  1. I specifically bought the SEL for the Sony system. I do tons of driving so sound is important. As far as car stereo's go I think it depends on the sound you like. Personally I am a rock guy and a former bass player so it sounds great for my type of music. I think if you wanted to listen to a lot of clearer sounding music, classic or symphonic type stuff, then you may not like it as much. For the type of music I listen to it gives close to an aftermarket sound.

  2. Hi Arminium. :D On the 2006-2009 models, the entire front fascia of the center stack (the face plate surrounding the stereo) is held on with spring clips. Starting at the bottom of that fascia, slip your fingers behind the faceplate and gently pull outwards. The bottom spring clips will release and it will pop out. Then work your way up the sides and top to release all the spring clips. The head unit is held in with 4 (if I recall correctly) screws that are obvious to see. Remove the screws and slide the unit far enough out to release the wiring harnesses. That is it.


    Hope this information helps.


    Good luck. :beerchug:


    Can anyone give information on the 2010 Fusion? I am trying to figure out how to get a remote wire to the trunk for an amp and since the fuse panel inside is impossible to work with I think I am going to have to pull out the head unit.


    Any help will be greatly apreciated.

  3. I realize this is an older thread but I am having a tough time with wiring my amp up. First off, I am not new to wiring and even getting through the firewall, but this is a different animal. I looked through everything I can find, which is rather limited, and I think I have found where I am supposed to go through.


    First off, I have a 2010 Fusion SEL. After looking at the pictures linked above I could not find that particular grommet. i am attaching a picture of what looks like it is where the clutch would normally come through. It seems like it is a lot higher up than the one in the linked picture. The issue I have is you cannot really see under the hood where this comes out and you never want to drill if you are not positive you are in the right place. I almost just pulled the trigger on it the other day but I decided I would wait and post here to see if I got any responses.


    I already have the inline converter in the trunk and the ground wire run. Any help would be much appreciated.




    I popped the plastic cap out (not easy as you have to push on 4 clips simultaneously) and drilled a 3/4" hole through the center (easier out of the car) and run the wire through with a grommet. I should put some RTV or other sealant around it as well to make sure water doesn't get in, but haven't gotten to that part yet. Its pretty tight with the grommet, but not completely water-tight. I have not had any issues yet as its pretty high up on the firewall.


    A word of warning. I did this myself and when I popped out being under the dashboard it dropped down onto the panel underneath the engine. After much swearing and fishing with a coat hanger I was able to retrieve it, drill the hole and pop back in. In hindsight I should have had someone reach down it it behind the battery and hold/catch it.


  4. I just figured something out the other day when I was playing around with my sound system settings. I have the nav system so things might be a little different. To get the best sound with the fullest sound range I use the following settings:


    First and foremost: The Speed compensated volume (SCV) setting is set to max, 7 in my case. This made the biggest difference. It automatically increases the volume without hitting the Sony cutoff point. I like a lot of bass and this pretty much resulted in a night and day difference once I turned this option on and maxed it out. The volume is basically doubled without sound degradation.


    Bass: Two down from the top

    Treble: Two down from the top


    DSP: Stereo. Surround sound option is pointless unless you are watching a movie?


    With these settings, the Sony system sounds more like an aftermarket system than the crummy stock system it's default system has it set out to be.


    It should be noted that these settings are for people who prefer louder music. I don't even have to turn the volume up past half way. I know the original poster only had the bass and treble at pretty much zero, but the SCV setting should really make a difference no matter what your other settings are.


    I have to admit at first I was really disappointed with the sound of the 12 speaker system. I changed my settings to match closely to yours and WOW what a difference. I am a bit of an audiophile so the stereo was a selling point for me on this car. Its a tad bit annoying to have to have the stereo change the volume levels when you slow down but well worth the trade off in quality. Now to just get my 10s in the trunk and I'll be set!

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