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Posts posted by VonoreTn

  1. Below is my information before we bought using Z plan. I think you mean the 502a option plan which I think is a bargain since the price of the sum of the parts would be more than the bundled cost, if you could buy them separately. We are very happy with the car and half of our enthusiasm for driving it on 3 major trips already is the feature package in the 502a. Our average mpg since new, based on actual fill-up data is 39.1.

  2. Help. Can't find the altitude...I see the longitude and latitude, but no altitude. Can you point the direction?


    I agree with you about "the ability to mark as an address point, where you are". Is that possible? Have not figured that one out yet.


    One thing that I would appreciate is some kind of light and/or indicator, that would let you know if your headlights are "on" in the daytime when you have it in the "auto" position. Here is the gray NW I like to have my headlights on when the visibility is not good (raining, misting, foggy) and it is hard to tell if my headlamps are on. I usually turn them on "manually" just to be sure, but would be nice to know without doing that. On other cars, you could usually tell if the headlamps were on by the dash lights changing to a dimmer setting when they were on, but not so with the FFH. The NAV sometimes changes brightness, but not sure if the headlamps or "on" or "off".

    For altitude, hit the "I" button in the middle for Info. The top left screen button on that menu is "where you are". After pushing that, you will find the altitude roughly in the middle of the screen. It is so small you have to really look hard, maybe you shouldn't be driving while trying to see it.

  3. My normal commute is 30 miles and it's been a fairly mild winter. I'm still averaging around 29 MPG. I always use cruise control set around 70 MPH. There's usually a lot of traffic, forcing me to drive conservatively too.


    In the last week it hasn't gone below freezing and I'm up averaging 30.2 MPG on the last 375 miles. It's still good, but not as great as I had hoped when I bought the car.


    If you want significantly better mileage, slow down to 60-65 and don't use speed control. I'm not recommending it, it might not be worth it for you to compromise travel time and the convenience of speed control. But you might zero your trip mpg and try it once, just as an experiment. Speed control aggressively accelerates on minor hills to maintain speed, enriching the fuel mixture unnecessarily. A steady foot on the pedal doesn't do that if you can deal with the speed variation.

  4. 8K mile update on my full record of mpg since it was new is attached. My average keeps dropping. The dealer told me he has a friend at the gasoline distribution points and they are being told to use 15% ethanol, despite what the pump says. So I just filled up with 100% gas. The dealer said you can still find one 100% gas station in just about every town. A lot of older cars can't stand any ethanol.


    By the way, if you are adding air to your tires to get better mileage, keep these two things in mind. In general if you go over 38 psi, you start to reduce the tire to the road patch size, making your emergency braking less effective, like longer distance to stop.


    Secondly, you are also increasing the tire rolling radius, but your computer odometer just counts revolutions with a fixed rolling radius based on the specification air pressure. So you might want to check your odometer against marked mileage markers, like check it on a straight section of highway for at least 5 miles. You might find that your odometer is reading fewer miles by a percent or 2 than you actually went, which means you can increase your mpg calculation by that percentage.



  5. My Wife and I agree. We both look forward to driving our FFH on short and long trips, because we know we are ahead of the curve on mileage, and with the moratorium on USA drilling firmly in place now, the price of gasoline is just going to keep going up. The handling, ride, and low noise of the car make it a pleasure to drive.


    I've driven all the new Ford four doors and the Fustion Sport and have reached a final decision. The best call around car bar none is the Fusion Hybrid. The Fusion Hybrid isn't best at everything it does, but is better at most of what it does.

  6. Yeah, that Sony logo is annoying, especially when you have already started backing out of your garage, and you need the rear view camera. Things I find useful but hard to find, are the altitude, (on the where-are-you screen under info), but so small you can hardly read it, and the ability to mark as an address point, where you are. I did it the other day but then couldn't remember how I did it next time I needed to do it. And I can't figure out how to put in a longitude latitude location.


    I find the altitude useful to often explain why the mileage is higher or lower than expected, knowing if you are going up or downhill, which you often are even if it appears that you are traveling level.

  7. Hi Vonore. :D Yes, I know what you were wondering, and I was attempting to assist you.


    I hope you find an answer to your problem.


    Good luck. :beerchug:


    Beer Chug,


    I think you did solve the problem. Per your suggestion I tracked down and emailed the supplier of the OBD2 scanner with my complaint, and got this response:


    "sorry, it doesn't work the new cars, please buy the new, U581 OR U600, please check our website,


    www.uiftech.com thanks Nicolas"


    You've got to love China.


    So those in the market for an OBD2 scanner, be forewarned that just because the advertisement says works on all OBD2 compatible vehicles since 1996, it might not.


    Thanks, and have a nice day.

  8. Hi Vonore. :D First, what does the User Guide for your Scan Tool state may be the cause of a "linking error"?



    Here is the only thing the manual says:


    If a linking error message shows, turn the ignition off, check if he u380 connector is closely connected to the vehicles diagnostic socket, and then turn the ignition back on. If the linking error message still shows, there may be the problems for U380 communicate with the vehicle.


    It's made in China, so I don't think I'm going to get much tech service. There website is uiftech.com. It's not that old, I got it a year ago, and it has worked on several 04-08 vehicles. I was wondering if anyone else is having any OBD2 issues with the FFH.

  9. Most gas today is E10 and the alcohol keeps the injectors and fuel lines clean. No need to buy injector cleaners. This is about the only good thing about E10.


    Tell me more. I thought that E10 meant you didn't have to get the alcohol additives anymore (usually yellow bottle at O'Reillys), but I always used fuel injector cleaners anyway, which are different. I know that "gas treatments" can be either or but usually not as good as injector cleaner additives.


    When I traded in my 2000 Explorer with 187,000 miles on it, it had never had a fuel injector issue, and I treated the gas with fuel injector cleaners quarterly. But that's just one data point, maybe others had injector issues while using them.

  10. This is a repeat from the other wipers post, but I need to get some recommendations on this very troubling issue. When my wipers move they leave a trail of quite uniform haze on the glass, that disappears momentarily when wind finishes the drying process. It is very troubling when driving in the rain at night only, when oncoming traffic headlights causes a very significant reduction in visability. After reading the other post on wipers, I went out and bought Valeo blades, and cleaned the glass with Strongs Invisible Glass (smells like acetone). It's worse now! I called a local auto glass shop, and they said they have seen this on some cars and said the only resolution was a new windshield. I have not contacted the dealer yet on this. But IMHO it is more than an annoyance. I don't have the best night vision anyway, and this is really troubling.


    Anyone else?


    Any ideas? I thought maybe rain-x?


    Thanks in advance,




    This is not a recommendation, because I am not an expert on what is causing your problem. I have applied "Final Detail" , an expensive but quick to apply body wax to my Fusion from when it was new, to protect the paint. I have used it on two other vehicles in the past as well. I apply it to all the glass as well. I barely need the wipers because the rain beads and rolls off, unless the rain is very heavy. It reminds me of Rain-x that I used to use 15 years ago, but as I recall, Rain-x back then would leave a film in the wiper path after a few weeks. Final Detail doesn't do that for me, but then maybe there is something special about your windshield. Good luck.

  11. I used to do all my own in past years, and was wondering what is required to do this for my FFH.




    This is not an answer, just conversation. I just got my FFH in August, and it came with a free dealer first oil change. The only thing I can find about oil change frequency in the owners manual is the maximum mileage per oil change is 10,000 miles. I have about 6700 miles on my first oil so I am thinking about doing this soon. I would assume changing the oil is no different than on a regular car, drain the oil pan, remove the filter underneath, replace the with a new filter, add 5 quarts on top. But I'm eager to hear first oil change experience from others since I haven't done it yet. I am guessing that a synthetic oil might be a good choice for the high mileage change suggested.

  12. A friend just got a new I4 SEL Fusion. I got to look under the hood to compare it with my hybrid. Now I can understand why it's so easy to change headlight bulbs on that car. You can see the back of the bulbs,try finding the bulbs on a hybrid. Another good thing is the battery is in a different place and the + post isn't directly under the hood rod when the hood's closed. Also no plastic engine cover on his.


    Id be interested in the gas mileage he gets. I hope he keeps records.

  13. There are reports of failed Prius batteries which are often nothing more than corroded connectors. But of course, the dealers aren't trained to get inside the battery packs and replace corroded connnectors, nor is the customer or aftermarket encouraged to do the same, given the risk of an amateur fix-it guy frying himself with the 275 volts. Pruis replacement battery packs cost from $4K to $8K, depending on the story you are reading. Here are some Prius battery stories...:




    I think the truth is nobody really knows what the service situation will be in 8 years, so it is all speculation, but I'm betting I will not have to pay more than $1K per 100K miles for batteries, since I will likely figure out a way to just replace the bad cells or connectors, if service is needed at all. I'm not the kind of guy who takes his car to a dealer and says fix everything, damn the cost. There will be forums explaining how to do it in that time frame.


    So I'm expecting to pay a $10 battery premium per 1000 miles for owning a hybrid, I think I will still come out ahead. At current prices ($2.40/gallon) that would mean I'm effectively only getting 34.3 mpg, versus th 40 mpg I am really getting, if I had no battery costs to worry about. Try to find and sedan as nice as a loaded Fusion that averages 34.3 mpg. If you follow the math, that last number improves, as the price of gas goes up.


    All speculation, granted, but the long term cost of batteries is not in my top 40 concerns.

  14. Thanks! We are 2 months into it, and we have gotten quotes for ~$150 a year. We are new to Sirius and we like it alot, since when we travel (mostly hiking or skiing trips) we are often in remote areas where we can't get good AM or FM. We like the talk radio, Fox and CNN for news and commentary, plus specialized music. So that's 3 deals we will wait for at 6 months $12.95 for 3 months, $78 a year, or a lifetime for $275.

  15. After seeing that almost everyones long term mileage is low when they first start out, I am guessing that there is some process at the Fusion assembly plant in Hermosilla that involves some stationary idling, which will knock down the average FE. My complete mpg record is listed elsewhere on the forum, sounds like it is very close to everyone elses. I have just over 5000 miles now, and it is still a challenge to keep my averages over 40 mpg, it is not getting any easier. My measured by fill-up data overall mileage is 39.71, the computer long term is about one mpg higher.

  16. Darnit. I've owned my FFH for about 4 months / 4k miles. Driven like a dream until just recently.


    The past few days, I've been running the heater at low speed (1 or 2 bars) and noticed a quiet, continuous chirping sound when the fan is running. Sounds just like a cricket.


    Also, just today, I noticed occasional brake squeeks. Can't always replicate it. Only seems to happen (or I can only hear it) right before I come to a stop. Happens in forward and reverse braking.


    I guess it's time for my first warranty work. This stuff is covered, right? What is the deductible, and do I have to pay it twice for each problem?


    Also, any diagnosis of my problems would be appreciated. It's going to suck if they really have to dig into my car (remove the dash, etc.) to fix the chirping. I worry they might cause more harm fixing the problem.


    The fan noise might be bearings, but it might also be the squirrel cage blower wheel contacting the edge of the plenum circle that seals the airflow at the edge. That would be covered under warranty, and access would be behind the glove box. Definitely deal with it before the 3/36 warranty ends, as it could get expensive, working in that area.


    I had some funny noises on my Daughters front brakes on her 05 Escape. Since I had put new pads on the fronts months before(the cheap ones which are now days semi-metallics), I felt I was already involved. The dealer thought it might involve the front wheel bearings, and wanted several hundred dollars to investigate. But then a conversation with the service clerk resulted in us meeting the mechanic who was an expert on Escape front ends, a fellow hiker, and he brought it in and tightened the front wheel bearing nut (big nut), for free on his lunch break. I could feel the difference in reduced wheel wobble afterward, which can affect brake noise. That took care of 60% of the noise. The rest of the noise I got rid of with some silver gooey looking spray they sell at Autozone for brake noise, that you spray liberally on the rotor and pads. I had only 10% confidence that it would work, but for the $10 cost I tried it, and man did it quiet down those brakes. It has been 2 months now, still quiet. My Daughter is very happy, thinks I know what I'm doing. I'm not advocating you do any of this, just making conversation. :shrug:

  17. I'm seriously considering a 2010 Fusion Sport with navigation. I typically like to install aftermarket stuff, but I've heard good things about sync so am wondering if the stock system might be worth it this time. Any thoughts?


    I found this on here that supposedly would unlock the nav system while driving too.




    Also, is there even a dash kit that would fit the 2010 fusion and not look ghetto?




    I'm happy with the navigation system, and the Sync. Being 65 years old please excuse my lack of high tech feature sophistication, but I like that the stock system picks up not only my phone, but all my stored phone numbers, and finds them by voice.


    Our Fusion Hybrid has a built in input for an iPod in the concole, to play it through the speakers. It uses the same connector that you use to connect the iPod to the computer (USB connector).


    That coastaletech adaptor would fix the shortfall of not being able to put addresses in the Nav on the fly, but I respect the concept, because you shouldn't be doing that while driving. But what is frustrating is that the passenger who isn't driving can't do it either, so we have to stop to input it. Gas stations and rest areas work.


    Of course for an area restaurant, gas station, store, etc. you can find those while driving. And if I know I'm going to need help finding some specific address in the morning, I will input it the night before, so it's just a button to push the next day. So I think I'll save the money on the Coastaletech device for now.

  18. During El-nino years, storms during the winter tend to track far through the south in a relatively straight line from southern California across the gulf coast states. It is likely going to be a colder than average winter, but the track of the storms this winter will dictate precipitation. You may very well be far enough south to get some of that, although I would be worried about the possibility of getting a lot of ice.


    I am kind of hoping for a lot of snow, but the farmers almanac I believe is predicting that things will be drier than usual this winter. This of course being because of the typical storm track of an El-nino year winter.


    I thought there must be more going on than sunspots, thank for the climatology insights. Cincinnati? I was born there and got my engineering degree there, 1962-67 at UC. I love the town with it's magnificent parks with great views. But those hills were treacherous for driving in the winter, and we had a lot of snow back then. How about those Bearcats this year? :beerchug:

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