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Posts posted by DaveM

  1. I've only had my FFH for a couple months and have only had to fill it twice so not that in tune with the avg. mile per gal but on our Caddy STS when you reset the average it goes to zero until you pull away and then the average is all over the ball park depending on how hard you push on the go pedal. As you get a few miles on it this slows down and the more miles on the tank full the less it moves. I think this is what you are seeing and is perfectly normal. What I don't see anymore on the hybrid is when sitting at a red light on the STS I could almost count on the average going down 2 tenths of a gal. Has yours settled down now? If so I think what I said above is what you were seeing.

  2. depends on what you use. A brush could/would. I use the sleeve of my coat which seems to work. Of couse I also go to car washes and get my car washed where others are afraid of them and do their own wash. To me it is a car and I drive it as one and don't worry about those real fine scraches you get. Its the big ones from other peoples doors or from hitting something. I guess it is my years of off roading that got me a few scraches that didn't matter one bit when I went to trade it in.

  3. When I click on the last post it takes me to that persons post as it should, but when I click on the left side on a subject matter it also takes me to the last post and then I have to scroll back to the top. Other forums work if you click on subject on left it goes to beginning, click on right side for last post and you get last post.

  4. i have probably overlooked it. but, is there a way to display track names on actual cds? the cds i load are from 2009. they just say "track 1". also, when i listen to fm radio the station information does not show. is their a way to fix all of this? i just got a 2010.


    if i overlooked any of this, don't make fun. :(

    Don't know on the CD's themselves but if you record them to the hardrive if yours is equiped then it will automatically install them in most cases, if it don't it will allow you to put them in manually. At least on mine with the Nav. unit.

  5. It bugs me tremendously when I have a truck or car on my tail when going 52 in a 50 mile zone. I even had a mass highway truck almost on my bumper while I was going 40 in a 40 zone. I personally try to keep it within 2-3 mph of the actual speed limit because it gets me the best mileage and I feel most in control of the car. I could understand people's frustration when you get drivers going 10 miles slower than the speed limit, but there seems to be little tolerance for those of us going the speed limit. Personally, if people want to speed and waste their money, it is fine with me, just don't crowd my tail when I am going the speed limit.

    True as long as you are in the right lane on a 4 lane road. I hate these people who drive the speed limit in passing lane and hang right beside the other person who is in right lane also doing the speed limit. Pass them and move over.

  6. Yeah DaveM, it'll probably be along those lines! The only thing is, I can understand it's been 3 months since I bought the car, and the techs get paid per job, not per hour, so as an aircraft mechanic myself, I wouldn't expect the tech to work for nothing, of course, the dealership could have paid him, but then it's getting too complicated. Maybe they would have acted differently if I still had the dealer license plate frames on, but those were the first things to go when I got my plates! I did appreciate the 1/2 hr labor vs full hour. I think having DRL is worth that. What would a kit cost if you had to add them yourself?


    Anyways, I'm suprised that they don't already come activated when all the circuits are there.

    Maybe they are afraid they are coping G.M. who it is my understanding were the first ones to have this on their cars along with the middle rear lamp which was put on the Toronado way back in the 70's but theirs was 2 of them just under the rear window above the trunk I believe.

  7. I have a new 2010 SEL with factory installed remote start. By default it locks the doors before starting. The booklet says it can be unlocked at any time via the PowerCode remote control. I assume this is the remote on the key, which will not unlock the doors once its started by the Remote start. The only way to open the doors I have found is with the key, once the remote start is used to start it up...does anyone have any experience with this. Is there a work around?

    Sounds like something is wrong. I have the bi-directional remote and you push remote twice in 3 sec. to start car. It also locks the doors but using the key remote unlocks mine. You are the only one out of lots of us with remotes who has complained so sounds like something is wrong with yours.

  8. One thing when dealing with Ford parts: ASSUME NOTHING!! I ordered tan headrests from Gentry, assuming it was the Camel color I needed. I had a part number and had sent it to them, but they ordered the "tan" instead of the part number, which turned out to be medium light stone (the last letter in that part number was "D" instead of "E", which is what I needed). I found out that "tan" to Ford means different colors, depending on the model. Be sure you have the exact part number of the color you want when you order and PUT IT INTO THE COMMENTS AREA. The Milan Premier has has tutone and somewhat different color/stitching than the Fusion SEL, but I did check online and they show front headrests for Taurus/Sable. You might want to check out an '09 Taurus or Sable to see what matches. Regarding Gentry parts lookup: Year/Make/Model, then seat and tracks -->driver seat components --> headrest -->cloth/leather. Just order 2 driver headrests. Driver/Passenger are both the same.

    $266 for a pair, you go from a pain in the neck to a pain in the a$$.

  9. Just got mine turned on in San Diego. The service clerk (or whatever he's called) where I bought the car said he never heard of it, wasn't sure it really could be done, and they'd have to charge me an hour of labor, $98, just to hook up the computer and see.


    So I went to another dealer just down the hill from my house, and the service guy got one of the techs, and it was great to talk to him, even though he wasn't sure about it either, saying the car was so new, he hasn't gotten to delve too deep into that. If it were an older one he'd probably know. He said it was worth a try, but I didn't want to just take a chance for $100, so they said they'd do it for 1/2 hr of labor, and I went with it. Now I have DRL, and the tech was happy to learn about it since he said he's getting a Fusion soon himself. Can't wait to go back to my original dealer for my free first oil change and they ask me about the DRL...then go back to the helpful place for the rest of my servicing needs.


    Only downside, my insurance company wouldn't give me any more discount for having DRL.

    I'd tell them that the other dealer did it for 1/2 and after my free oil change I'd be taking all my service to them since they were willing to help a customer who didn't even buy from them. I'd also tell my salesman the same story and maybe if they wanted to keep me they'd reinburse me for the DRL turn on that should have been done for free inorder to keep me as a customer.

  10. I not only drive until it says "0" until empty, I drive another 40-60 miles. when it says 0, I usually have almost 2 gallons left, which really makes me good for almost 70-80 mores miles that could be driven on that tank. I don't know, I guess it feels better to fill up at 650 miles driven than in the 500 mile range.

    and you could be running on borrowed time. Not only could it run out of gas one of these times due to pressure in the tank giving the gauge a false reading but there are two other important reasons for not running the tank dry. 1. The fuel pump is located in the tank and uses the fuel in the tank to keep it cool. Continuously getting the pump hot due to lack of fuel will shorten the life of the pump and it will cost you big bucks to have the tank dropped and a new pump installed. 2. No matter how careful you are you can always get junk in the bottom of the tank do to filling tank just after fuel truck makes delivery and stirs up the junk in the gas station tank and this junk normally settles to the bottom of your tank and causes no problems but running it dry could pump the junk into your engine. Do what you want but don't say you haven't been warned.

  11. http://www.gracenote.com


    B. How does the Gracenote Recognition service work?

    Gracenote is primarily a music recognition service; the search engine on this Web site is just a view into one part of our database.


    As a recognition service, we work with software and hardware developers from all over the world, and when they license and develop with the right code, we enable their applications to access our database and recognition services. On most commercial music compact discs, there is no disc title, artist, track title, credits, or other information that a player running on your computer can extract and display for you.


    Because this information is generally not on the CD itself, without such a database these applications could only display text such as "Untitled" or "Track 1, Track 2." However, a licensed application can lookup the CD in the database and return the title and track information to the application for display by the time you hear the first notes of the album.

    So how does it look up this information? I don't have a cell hooked up and I was in a closed garage with the door closes so no Sirius nor Nav. signal. I find it hard to believe that all that info is stored onboard my car.

  12. I looked at the first 2 pictures and thought to myself what is this idiot trying to pull. Then I read the rest of it and when I saw the picture of the corner guard everything fell into place and the idiot turned out to be me. :hysterical2:

    Very ingenious and a whole lot cheapter than the if I remember right for the boughten one $16 + I bet the guy who bought his is feeling a little sheepously about now.

    Good job.

  13. My understanding it that sync uses an online database of music for the info.

    I kind of doubt that as most of the CD's I loaded were from those oldies but goodies types of CD's that were advertised off TV way back when. Since there is all random different popular songs of a certain 60's year starting in 1962 and going up I find it hard that they would have the CD album cover online with each song since they were not even from a name brand studio just a bunch of number one songs through out the 60's by year. For example I have 3 CD's from 1962, and so on through1969. Now for example I got one cd that is the sound track for Saturday Night Fever, that I could understand but these off brand CD's with famous name artists I don't know.

  14. I am not sure why the only way to add music is with a CD. The only thing I can think of is copyright issues? Just seems silly you can play mp3s off a flash drive but can't copy them. Plus you can only add music CDs to the internal drive not MP3 CDs.

    What really surprised me when copying a bunch of CD's to the HD in my FFH was that for 90+ percent of them they actually acted like a MP3 when done. What I mean by that is that I could see the name of the artist, name of the song, plus it even had a small picture of the album front on the Nav display. What was really shocking was a number of these albums were from the early 80's or maybe even older before they even had MP3's or anyway of displaying the songs, artists and albums. For the couple of CD's that didn't display this Sync allows you to program in the artist, song, and type of music manually.

  15. I have seen that "Ice Blue Metallic", and I like it. I never thought of it as effiminate, just a fresh cool color found in nature. I wanted white also, but my Wife wanted the sterling gray metallic, so we compromised and got the sterling gray metallic. ;_)

    We ordered ours from the factory, and had to wait about a month for it.


    My conclusion regarding solar panels is that unless you have a house roof full of them, the energy density on a car surface is not high enough to justify the expense. They cost roughly $5 purchase price per watt, and generate only 10-12 watts per square foot of surface areas. They work only when the sun is shinning, which is hard to justify when you have a state of the art FFH generator in the same vehicle.


    Prius brags about their energy roof system, which is nothing but a battery powered blower and vent to knock off the high end of a sun soak in a parking lot. I shouldn't disregard the merit of that, since it might knock down a peak interior air temperature from 140F to 110F, and save the life of any pet foolishly left in a vehicle in the summer. But so would leaving your windows cracked open 1/2 inch parked in the sun.

    And save yourself about 2K+ for a worthless system.

  16. Can somebody confirm that the FloorLiner™ DigitalFit® for the 2009 Fusion are what I want?

    I have a 2010 FFH, but Weathertech doesn't list this for the 2010. I assume the front/backs

    will fit fine in this car.


    Looks like WeatherTech pulled off the DigitalFit for 2010, because I see your receipt

    and thought it was there a few weeks back. Probably didn't want to deal with

    returns. I am sure the 2009 is the same, can somebody confirm?

    Back in Sept. they listed the digitaFits for the 2010 Fusion Hybrid as I bought a set. Why don't you call them? They list a toll free phone # instead of asking here you can get the real answer straight from the horses mouth. Just be sure to report back here and fill everyone in on what you find out. All I know is mine fit as there are supposed to and I also bought the ones for the rear which also fit like a glove.

  17. just curious, why go with factory nav when you can do aftermarket nav for nearly half the price?

    I just got a new Cruchfield catalog and was looking at the better built in Nav. units and in order to come close to the Ford Nav it would cost you 12 to 15 hundred dollars plus I bet at least a few hundred to have it installed. Which puts it about even with the factory nav and still don't have all the built in features. Unless you have had a few days of driving a Fusion with the nav built in to really truely understand what all it does then you really can't make a informed desision. Of couse you can always buy one of those $69 nav units I see on sale at the discount chains but then again compare it to a $400 Garmin and it is like night and day. Thats what I feel about the Ford nav against the compartible aftermarket units.

  18. This is off topic so I will keep it short. The UAW over the last 50 years has raised the price of Detroit vehicle assembly labor above the labor costs of equivalent local manufacturing labor costs, and above the labor costs of Japan and South Korea. Plus the costs of 95% of all foreign plants in the USA, which are non-unon plants. This means we might have to charge $200 more for our cars or leave out $200 of feature content versus our competition. That has an impact on future model car innovations.


    It has been claimed that the Ford Chairman, Muhally, insisted that Ford make at least $100 per vehicle on the Fusion Hybrid, versus lose money on it like the Toyota Prius has been reported to be doing.




    Note the FFH is being built in Mexico by non-UAW workers, who make about $8-$10/ hour.

    I don't buy that. Of course that is what I would expect from a Salary Ford Worker. Point, The high end Caddys and Lincolns plus some trucks and most SUV's have all the toys there are and cost 10's of thousands less than their Foreign counterparts. It is said the they make 10K on each of these vehicles. Another point, The UAW has given up many thousands in pay and benefits at GM and to a lesser at Ford but no where has the price of a new car reflected any of this and NEVER WILL. All that will happen is that the big shots will get bigger and bigger bonuses for doing nothing, point the ex Chariman of GM who got millions in bonuses each year even though GM was going down the tubes. The UAW has many, many times asked to see the paperwork on how the companies are doing but are always refused so all they can do is look at the huge bonuses paid the top salary people and assume that they are making big bucks so ask for raises etc. to get a piece of the pie. Since this is off topic but you started it I felt I should respond as the UAW is always getting bad press, even when it isn't warranted. You had your say and I had mine so lets drop it before it gets heated and move on with what we are all here for.

  19. Then maybe you should avoid comments like these:


    "If we follow the argument that we "...should not "Hack" any part of the drive train ..." to its logical conclusion, then we should sit back and take whatever piece of automotive crap that is given to us..."


    "I really didn't want to get into a philosophical discussion about the benefits of entrepenurial

    innovation as it relates to the automotive industry. After their poor performance in innovation, I

    didn't think it was needed...."


    I worked at Ford as an engineer for 33 years, and I can tell you that you have no idea what hurdles the EPA, OSHA, NHTSA, the UAW, the IRS, unconstrained product lawyers, and the vicissitudes of the market put on a USA automotive company's ability to innovate. And it's getting worse, no additional USA drilling, no tort reform, no nuclear energy expansion, a plan to tax manufacturers based on carbon dioxide emissions, etc. I sometimes wonder why any USA auto manufacturers are left.


    My last post was on topic, pointing out that Toyota does not support customer hacking of their Prius control systems. Thanks for posting that link.

    Explain to me what the UAW has to do with Fords ability to innovate. I doubt any UAW members work on future products, at least in their design faze. Also with the UAW getting smaller and smaller I also find it hard to believe they would do anything to cut their own throats.

  20. Well, I tried and failed. The dealer claimed complete ignorance and said that mine was the first car he had ever got remote start for and he didn't know how it worked. As well, he said that their dealership really wasn't an accessory installation dealership and that they only have one guy that can install stuff like that. He claimed to have talked to the person that would install it, but I don't think he really did. I explained why the bidirectional model was important to me, but he didn't see what the difference was. When I finally picked up the vehicle, he went on and on about how it would have been $1000 more for the bidirectional model. I just gave up... Oh well...


    The good news is that the one button remote start fob is actually quite small. From the pictures, I thought that it was about the size of the old Ford keyless entry fobs, but the remote start fobs are thin and about half that size. I would say maybe 1'' by 0.5'' and only about 0.25'' thick, if that.

    I got the bi-directional for $535 which included the 2nd remote which was $50. A long way from $1000 more. I'd tell that dealer that there is no way in H--l you'd ever buy another car from him and if there was another Ford dealer around I'd tell him don't bother looking for me to ever do business with you and I'll tell everybody I know just what kind of dealer he is. We need to weed out these dealers. I'd also file a complaint with Ford too.

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