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  1. Read Motortrends 2010 Car of the year award. That's right the 2010 Ford Fusion. Nice write up. You can not go wrong. Go for it.
  2. Well I get a knock on my door this morning and it was neahbor telling me that she saw a guy who lives next door hit my car while trying to park next to it at about 1am. She said he got out looked at the damage, got back in his car and parked across the street. No note or nouthing. I knoked on his door and got no awnser so I called the Police and they did a hit and run Police report. The damage is on the right front bumper, amber reflector is cracked, and the lip of the upper quater panel is dented. I will give him the chance to pay for the damage before I file using my insurance company. I caught up to Mr. Hit and run and at first he denied hitting my car untill I told him that I had a witness. He then asked that I get an estimate and he would pay for the damage. This is one shading looking guy. I'm not sure if I can trust that he will pay. So tommorw I will get an estimate and see what he will do. The damage looks to be from $300 - $500. worth. What would you do. My car is a red 2008 not a dent on her till now.
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