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  1. Im digging the new look and more mpg is always nice.
  2. Wow, the FFH being too harsh of a ride? I had just the opposite reaction; I thought the ride was incredibly soft. I guess driving sport cars will do that to a person. To be honest if the ride is too harsh I would go back to something designed to have a softer ride. I agree that it is all over the road, but it is designed for fuel conservation, so it may have been purposely built that way to avoid sport driving.
  3. I just went through a similar scam on the 30K; around $300. Unfortunately the wife could not get ahold of me at work, but I need to bring it back for a sensor change under warranty, so I will get an answer face to face with the service writer.
  4. About 15 miles at 70 MPH; I pushed it a little close on a long road trip.
  5. I've topped off 3 times when the DTE had just reached or was right around 0 with the following results: 15.5 Gals 16.7 Gals 16.1 Gals The 2nd fill up was pretty close; dont push it. If you are near the DTE fill it up!
  6. If you live in South Mississippi I saw a FFH and a MMH on the lot near the Gulfport airport yesterday; good luck.
  7. I have found a large drop after around 65 MPH on the highway. Around 60 MPH I average around 46, around 65 MPH I average around 40, around 70 MPH I am in the mid 30s. However, I have also found that on similar trips the hwy MPG is significantly different; like the car has found a grove and other times it seems to run harder. Anyone seen these differences? The bottom line is if you really want better MPG on the hwy you need to slow down.
  8. I got mine cut at the local locksmith for 1 dollar. The key itself is a nice backup, but mine has extremely poor range.
  9. I pulled it all the way down until 1 mile to empty and had similar results; about 1.5 gals in reserve beyond the computer zero. Nice to know if you are in a pinch to find a gas station on a trip.
  10. I thought I would try to replicate your feat; I usually keep the history at 10mins, but was able to pull a 20min +60 as well. The Distance to Empty seem to change with each fill up; last fill up I was at 746miles. Thanks for the post; that was fun today.
  11. Way to hang in there oldschool! I sure hope the new car treats you better.
  12. What was your highway speed when you got the 40.9? We have a stretch of highway where the speed limit is 80; if I go anywhere near that I am in the high 20s. My wife laughs at all the old granny's passing me, but I dont care!
  13. I would not be hesitant at all about driving a Prius or any other Toyota; unless you are in bumper to bumper traffic and tailgating you should be able to pull the car out of drive and still stop. All of these new cars are run by computers, and like all computers they can crash, have a glitch, or just freeze. It does appear that Toyota has a more glitch prone computer, but any car totally run by a computer can have this problem. I am not buying the run away Prius story for a minute, however that guy has to be a total moron to perform this hoax. He could be facing some serious charges if it was all made up. That being said, I test drove the Prius prior to buying the FFH; not even comparable. The FFH blew the Prius out of the water. While at times I still envy the Prius gas mileage I dont regret the choice. I would recommend getting the FFH; I bet the cavalier doesnt get 50+ MPG it the city.
  14. I would also recommend trying another FFH. There are always a few lemons out there and unfortunately you may have stumbled on one of them. I have really had no issues with the FFH in quite some time, and even the issues I had were only the MPG dash reset. But, given your frustration and bad experience with the car I might opt for the Taurus.
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