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  1. Thanks for the reply. I will wait until a better product comes out.
  2. I'm looking at getting a set of projector headlights for my 09 fusion. Right now I'm running HID H7 on low beams and stock H11 for high beams. I couldn't get a proper answer from the seller about what type of bulbs will fit in the new housings. I would like to use the HID that I'm using now. I was told that the HID is to big to fit into the projector tube on the headlights. There seems to be one manufacture that sells chrome and black lights. They are sold be different business but all look the same to me. I just want to be sure that I can use my HID before I spend all this money and find out it won't work. I will post a pic of what I've been looking at. Any input would be appreciated. Kevin
  3. I've had the car not start correctly a few times. I bump the key to start and release and ninety percent of the time it starts. I've had three times where the starter keeps cranking and the engine starts to buck around. I can shut the key off and try again and then it starts. This had happened to me three times in almost a year. It never did it during the winter. I think it is me cause the wife never has any problems. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Hoping it isn't something that will cost a boat load to fix.
  4. When I did my HID install I had to get the error eliminator. It is a part that goes inline and tricks the computer to think the headlights are ok. The hid bulbs don't have an element in them so the computer will think they are burned out.. Some say they have done the install without the error eliminator and had no problems. I decided not to take the chance and got the extra parts and didn't have any issues. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  5. Hope I got this in the right place. I have a 2009 Fusion SEL 3.0. This has happened twice so far. I'm in nebraska where it is cold weather right now. Got in the car last night and started it. The outside temp was reading 58. I was parked in a parking garage and guessed that the temp was below 20. I hit the auto setting with the inside temp to 80. The display came on and said A/C was on. I shut a/c off and turned on heat. After a few minutes of driving the temp was reading 18. Has this happened to anyone? I don't know if this a problem that should be fixed or if it is a common occurance. Hope someone can shed some light on the subject. Kevin
  6. I'm getting 18.5 with all town driving. I noticed when it got cold the mileage went down. It will do 29 on highway. 09 SEL
  7. It is cold in Nebraska now. I've noticed that with town driving only that I'm getting around 14 mpg. I hope this isn't normal but just curious if other owners are getting the same results. If I can go highway driving I'll get 29 or 30 mpg. My car is an 09 SEL V6 with 220 hp and no mods of any king. I can roughly go 250 to 270 miles on a tank with town driving. Any info would be appreciated. Kevin
  8. I installed HID lights in the stock housings and am not happy with the lighting output. I'm wondering if I would get better light spread with projector headlights? The other issue is I can't seem to find any projectors for an 09 Fusion. All I can find is for older ford models. Hope someone can help.
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