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Ordered a FFH this week


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Hi everyone. I've been reading the forums a little this week and wanted to post that my wife and I ordered our FFH this past Monday. Really hoping it doesn't take more than 8 weeks, although it sure does seem like a possibility after what I've read on here! At least I watched the salesman upload my license and signed order form, so I shouldn't need to worry about verification problems.


I will post updates as I get them. Can't wait to post a review once I get it!

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my wife and I ordered our FFH this past Monday. Really hoping it doesn't take more than 8 weeks


Welcome and congrats -- based on the postings by some here, it sure is squirrelly how some orders take longer than others. I ordered mine on 5/22 and took delivery on 7/1, there was another person here who ordered the same day but I think took another 4 weeks beyond the 5½ it took for mine, so go figure...


When I placed my order on 5/22 the salesman passed the worksheet to his sales manager for input into the system, then came back and we filled out other papers and did the small talk stuff, 5 minutes later the sales manager came over and said "the order has been verified by Ford" and that was it. I don't know if it is normally that quick, and have read from some people who seems to get the runaround from their dealers, that's a shame because those people are less likely to come back and you'd think the dealers would recognize this... but sometimes it seems that they run you around to get you to take something from their on-lot stock I guess, who knows? Anyway, that was my experience and I wish others here receive their orders as quickly.

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Hi everyone. I've been reading the forums a little this week and wanted to post that my wife and I ordered our FFH this past Monday. Really hoping it doesn't take more than 8 weeks, although it sure does seem like a possibility after what I've read on here! At least I watched the salesman upload my license and signed order form, so I shouldn't need to worry about verification problems.


I will post updates as I get them. Can't wait to post a review once I get it!




I recently added this topic to summarize the times members on this forum have been reporting from order to delivery:


Hopefully your FFH will come in rather quickly.


My car (MMH) was ordered on 5/23, and I'm still waiting; there is a chance it will be delivered mid-late September. Another member on the forum ordered a week after me, and after a host of order- and dealer-related woes, it looks like that vehicle may be manufactured in mid-September. Delivery seems to take a couple of weeks after the build is complete, based on results reported here and other places, although I am not an expert in these matters.


The first hurdle is: make sure your sales folks verify your order with Ford immediately.


Good luck, and welcome again.

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I recently added this topic to summarize the times members on this forum have been reporting from order to delivery:


Hopefully your FFH will come in rather quickly.


My car (MMH) was ordered on 5/23, and I'm still waiting; there is a chance it will be delivered mid-late September. Another member on the forum ordered a week after me, and after a host of order- and dealer-related woes, it looks like that vehicle may be manufactured in mid-September. Delivery seems to take a couple of weeks after the build is complete, based on results reported here and other places, although I am not an expert in these matters.


The first hurdle is: make sure your sales folks verify your order with Ford immediately.


Good luck, and welcome again.

Just out of curiosity, what is the problem in ordering Hybrids? Doesn't FORD want to sell them? Are they intentionally keeping production low? Why can't they build them faster and get a few on the dealer lots as available? Sounds just like the gas shortage problems that were fabricated for someone's $$Political benefit. Can't we mass produce the car / battery? I haven't been following the hybrid situation so please enlighten me.


Imagine how many Hybrids would have sold under the "Clunker" program if they were available. Thats the problem in this Country, we STILL have not made this technology "readily" available to everyone. If they ramp up and build them, they will become common on the streets. I don't think the Car Companies nor the Oil Companies and Politicians really want that to happen. They're all going to go "kicking and screaming" and drag this out another decade.

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Just out of curiosity, what is the problem in ordering Hybrids? Doesn't FORD want to sell them? Are they intentionally keeping production low? Why can't tey build them faster and get a few on the dealer lots as available? Sounds like the gas shortage problems that were self made for someone's benefit. Can't we mass produce the car / battery? I haven't been following the hybris situation so please enlighten me.


There is no problem ordering hybrids - but Ford requires the dealership to verify it is a retail order before they will schedule it.


Ford want to sell all they can make. And customers are buying all they can produce, as fast as they can get them delivered. Ford has extended the open allocation to all dealers so every customer that wants one is not held up because the dealership didn't have allocation.


Batteries are the constraint - there is not enough capacity to build all that Ford wants. New battery plants are being built, but there is a limited amount that can be produced.


Ford wants to sell millions of them.


Consider yourself enlightened. :happy feet: :happy feet:

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Just out of curiosity, what is the problem in ordering Hybrids? Doesn't FORD want to sell them? Are they intentionally keeping production low?


In my opinion (just as a consumer and thinking how one might run their business), I have to think maybe their profit margin is a little better on the non-hybrid models, and so they make more money (or lose less, as it were these days) by pumping more non-hybrids through the assembly line. Again, that is is just my guess -- but for the past 4 months I have been checking online inventories of my local dealers (at first for my own purchase, now I've remained curious) and the Fusions are selling pretty good. And also as a consumer one might be reluctant to shell out the extra several thousand bucks for a hybrid model if they are never going to recoup the gas savings in higher MPG. So I think the combination of profitability and demand may be the main drivers. But then again there's the issue or market share and how Ford might take some of the Camry hybrid's market share if they promoted more, but I guess there are people who take all that stuff in and weigh the factors and make the decisions.


I also wonder why the posters on here who have been waiting so long for a MMH are being delayed (sure seems like it takes longer for them). I put myself in the shoes of the guys deciding what goes through assembly line this week or month. Is there any retooling of the assembly line needed to make the Milan instead of the Fusion? If so I guess I could understand the concept of "this week we run 5,000 Fusions through the line then run 500 Milans, and if we get behind schedule we push that batch of Milans until next week and build 700" and adjust that based on the market demands. However since most of the Fusions/Milans are built from the same stuff, if assembling one or the other is little more than grabbing a different grill or different seats to install then I can't understand why a MMH order would take so much longer than a FFH, as it seems to be taking based on what I've read here. So I just wonder how much of a difference there is in producing one or the other and is there a "timeout" needed to switch gears to make other models, that seems the only plausible reason if there truly is a longer wait for MMH than FFH. I'm just wondering out loud a bit, I don't know the inner workings so all I can do is wonder.

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Hi everyone. I've been reading the forums a little this week and wanted to post that my wife and I ordered our FFH this past Monday. Really hoping it doesn't take more than 8 weeks, although it sure does seem like a possibility after what I've read on here! At least I watched the salesman upload my license and signed order form, so I shouldn't need to worry about verification problems.


I will post updates as I get them. Can't wait to post a review once I get it!

We too ordered one this week. Our dealer felt (he had been with same dealer for 40 years) that it would take close to 12 weeks to get one as he feels that the cash 4 clunkers depleted most dealers around the nation. For us this would be just right as her lease on her STS isn't up till middle of Jan. I think. This way we have time to drive FFH for a while and get anything wrong fixed without being without a ride or stuck in a cheap little piece of junk.

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There is no problem ordering hybrids - but Ford requires the dealership to verify it is a retail order before they will schedule it.


Ford want to sell all they can make. And customers are buying all they can produce, as fast as they can get them delivered. Ford has extended the open allocation to all dealers so every customer that wants one is not held up because the dealership didn't have allocation.


Batteries are the constraint - there is not enough capacity to build all that Ford wants. New battery plants are being built, but there is a limited amount that can be produced.

Ford wants to sell millions of them.


Consider yourself enlightened. :happy feet: :happy feet:

I'll betcha' CHINA could "ramp up quickly" send them over here by the boat load in short order. I've heard the excuse of a battery shortage for the past year if not longer. Personally, I don't buy that bunk. I think the delay is intentional. Heck, if we got into (yet another) WAR somewhere we'd be able to whip up some new armor and ships right? I think there's more behind this then you and many others are willing to acknowledge or even think about. It's like you need to know GOD in order to get a Hybrid in any reasonable time. Forget test driving one or seeing one at a dealer. Heck, that might scare up even more interest and business and god forbid that happens. It's Big Oil and Politicians married to the Car Companies, err' rather OWNING the Car Companies one way or another. Give me a gas guzzler and I'll shut up and get off my soapbox.

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Just out of curiosity, what is the problem in ordering Hybrids? Doesn't FORD want to sell them? Are they intentionally keeping production low? Why can't they build them faster and get a few on the dealer lots as available?


Hybrid vehicles are still considered new technology by many. Even the sales people were trying to get me to buy an ICE version---I got the 'do you realize how long it would take to pay off the additional cost' speech. I told him it may be a long time @ $2.50 a gallon, but when it gets back to $4, it won't take long at all. There is still a lot of folks that put a negative connotation on the hybrids. The Fusion will help. I bought one because it looks like any other Fusion---with sporty looks, decent acceleration, and great mileage. I am still amazed at the quiet and comfortable ride. I don't need to take on the 'green' stereotypes to want a car with good mileage that happens to also be environmentally friendly. Ford has done a great job, I think, with making ordinary vehicles that happen to be hybrid---but FULL hybrids unlike the GM/Chrysler soft hybrid models. With all of the great reviews of the FFH and the ongoing longevity and reliability of the powertrain that has been tested for years now in the Escape, maybe people will begin buying more of them.

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In my opinion (just as a consumer and thinking how one might run their business), I have to think maybe their profit margin is a little better on the non-hybrid models, and so they make more money (or lose less, as it were these days) by pumping more non-hybrids through the assembly line. Again, that is is just my guess -- but for the past 4 months I have been checking online inventories of my local dealers (at first for my own purchase, now I've remained curious) and the Fusions are selling pretty good. And also as a consumer one might be reluctant to shell out the extra several thousand bucks for a hybrid model if they are never going to recoup the gas savings in higher MPG. So I think the combination of profitability and demand may be the main drivers. But then again there's the issue or market share and how Ford might take some of the Camry hybrid's market share if they promoted more, but I guess there are people who take all that stuff in and weigh the factors and make the decisions.


I also wonder why the posters on here who have been waiting so long for a MMH are being delayed (sure seems like it takes longer for them). I put myself in the shoes of the guys deciding what goes through assembly line this week or month. Is there any retooling of the assembly line needed to make the Milan instead of the Fusion? If so I guess I could understand the concept of "this week we run 5,000 Fusions through the line then run 500 Milans, and if we get behind schedule we push that batch of Milans until next week and build 700" and adjust that based on the market demands. However since most of the Fusions/Milans are built from the same stuff, if assembling one or the other is little more than grabbing a different grill or different seats to install then I can't understand why a MMH order would take so much longer than a FFH, as it seems to be taking based on what I've read here. So I just wonder how much of a difference there is in producing one or the other and is there a "timeout" needed to switch gears to make other models, that seems the only plausible reason if there truly is a longer wait for MMH than FFH. I'm just wondering out loud a bit, I don't know the inner workings so all I can do is wonder.

As a person who worked in a car plant for 35 years they have to do nothing to make a MMH over a FFH. Most likely they come down the same line. The computer does build them by colors first. They may run 2 days of all white cars before switching to blue cars but there shouldn't be that much difference between a Milan and a Fusion to warrant a delay in building. I would think they would be by date received.

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Welcome and congrats -- based on the postings by some here, it sure is squirrelly how some orders take longer than others. I ordered mine on 5/22 and took delivery on 7/1, there was another person here who ordered the same day but I think took another 4 weeks beyond the 5½ it took for mine, so go figure...


When I placed my order on 5/22 the salesman passed the worksheet to his sales manager for input into the system, then came back and we filled out other papers and did the small talk stuff, 5 minutes later the sales manager came over and said "the order has been verified by Ford" and that was it. I don't know if it is normally that quick, and have read from some people who seems to get the runaround from their dealers, that's a shame because those people are less likely to come back and you'd think the dealers would recognize this... but sometimes it seems that they run you around to get you to take something from their on-lot stock I guess, who knows? Anyway, that was my experience and I wish others here receive their orders as quickly.

The other persons could have taken longer depending on options or color or both. Manufacturers like to run the vehicles by colors. I worked in a assembly plant for 35 years and there were times that one color ran for two or three days and thats 960 cars a day X 2 or 3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We ordered our FFH Black on Black with 502a on Aug. 27th and I just got off the phone with Ford for an update and the lady told me it has been built and left the plant and the shipper has it. Not quite 4 weeks on a Fusion Hybrid is a shock. I would have thought after the Cash for Clunkers it would have taken a lot longer than this. Supposed to be at the dealers by Oct. 12th.

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We ordered our FFH Black on Black with 502a on Aug. 27th and I just got off the phone with Ford for an update and the lady told me it has been built and left the plant and the shipper has it. Not quite 4 weeks on a Fusion Hybrid is a shock. I would have thought after the Cash for Clunkers it would have taken a lot longer than this. Supposed to be at the dealers by Oct. 12th.


I was quoted 10/12 last week (ordered 8/24), but the salesman called yesterday and now the ETA is 10/5. That's 6 weeks from order to delivery. Maybe they've ramped up production?


Either way, I hope that date is correct. I can't wait!

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I was quoted 10/12 last week (ordered 8/24), but the salesman called yesterday and now the ETA is 10/5. That's 6 weeks from order to delivery. Maybe they've ramped up production?


Either way, I hope that date is correct. I can't wait!



Where do you live? I am wondering whether they are prioritizing Hybrid orders depending on which market area you live in.

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I live in GA and ordered from OC Welch in SC. They're one of the largest Ford dealers in the country. No idea if that has anything to do with it. Possibly it's just faster because I live in the South and they're shipping from Mexico.


Did they happen to tell you how many orders are ahead of you in the scheduling system for their store. Do any other orders, placed after you ordered, have a higher priority than they placed on your vehicle? Ordering from a large dealership may not mean faster delivery. If they get 3 pulls for October production and you are number 5 on the list, you might wait another month. :shift:

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We've had our FFH for only a couple days now, but I'm absolutely loving the car. It's comfortable, quiet, easy to drive... really can't say enough about how great it is. And I've had no trouble driving 45mpg in EV mode. Easiest method I've found is to accelerate normally to that speed, back off the pedal, then put your foot down again once it drops into EV mode. It's pretty easy and REALLY ups the mileage.

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