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Does brushing the snow off your car scratch the paint?


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depends on what you use. A brush could/would. I use the sleeve of my coat which seems to work. Of couse I also go to car washes and get my car washed where others are afraid of them and do their own wash. To me it is a car and I drive it as one and don't worry about those real fine scraches you get. Its the big ones from other peoples doors or from hitting something. I guess it is my years of off roading that got me a few scraches that didn't matter one bit when I went to trade it in.

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The short answer is yes. Any brush could do it. But also just pushing the snow off could do it. Snow has all sorts of minerals and bits of dirt in it so as it slides off your car the dirt could scratch your paint. The only way to keep your car scratch free is to not let snow get on it. A difficult feat!

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If you don't want scratches in the paint, don't drive the car. :) I use Zaino polish on the car, a few coats of that, and the paint is less likely to be scratched by snow and dirt. If there are any scratches afterwards, the Z5 polish takes them right out.

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