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Smell of Burning Syrup


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I've had my '10 SEL V6 AWD for two months and loved it - up until now. Today, while cruising along, I suddenly noticed a strong odor. It smelled like burnt pancake syrup - very strange. I fiddled with the varioius climate controls, but that made no difference. So I drove to the local dealer who took a look at it and indeed noticed the smell. Unfortunately (as is often the case) their computers were down so they could go no further. (Apparently today's cracker jack mechanics have no skills of their own and must rely on a computer to diagnose problems.) When I returned home (problem NOT solved,) I looked under the hood and smiffed around. The odor seems to be on the passenger side near a hose that looks like it's wrapped in tin foil. Any ideas? Can I drive the car 600 miles for Thanksgiving weekend?

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I've had my '10 SEL V6 AWD for two months and loved it - up until now. Today, while cruising along, I suddenly noticed a strong odor. It smelled like burnt pancake syrup - very strange. I fiddled with the varioius climate controls, but that made no difference. So I drove to the local dealer who took a look at it and indeed noticed the smell. Unfortunately (as is often the case) their computers were down so they could go no further. (Apparently today's cracker jack mechanics have no skills of their own and must rely on a computer to diagnose problems.) When I returned home (problem NOT solved,) I looked under the hood and smiffed around. The odor seems to be on the passenger side near a hose that looks like it's wrapped in tin foil. Any ideas? Can I drive the car 600 miles for Thanksgiving weekend?


Hi there.....if I may ask, where are you located...have any maple trees around your home/where you park your car? The reason is I had a similar problem....and it turned out that it was some maple leafs that had got caught in the engine compartment....smell was worse after a longer engine warmup.....anyway, once I made sure the engine compartment was free of all debris, the smell went away. Let me know how you made out. By the way, I live in Northern Ontario, Canada

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Hi there.....if I may ask, where are you located...have any maple trees around your home/where you park your car? The reason is I had a similar problem....and it turned out that it was some maple leafs that had got caught in the engine compartment....smell was worse after a longer engine warmup.....anyway, once I made sure the engine compartment was free of all debris, the smell went away. Let me know how you made out. By the way, I live in Northern Ontario, Canada


You were right - leaves under the hood. But I had to find them myself; the guys at Ford didn't even think it was worth considering. I'll be taking my Fusion somewhere else from now on.

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