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Recommended Reading


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If you're on this forum, chances are good that you have read the "Owners Guide" and "Hybrid 2010 Quick Reference Guide". If you haven't, there is a wealth of information in them. I know it's somewhat tedious but your enjoyment of the FFH will benefit greatly. If these weren't provided by the dealer (especially the Hybrid 2010 Quick Reference Guide), get them! I've read them at least twice and I believe the next time I read them I'll learn something else new. It takes a long time to understand what this car is doing even after you read the guides but they help a lot!. You've paid some $30,000 for a marvelous device and it behooves you to get your money's worth. This forum is the next best thing. The number of threads is increasing but most of them are worth a read from the beginning.

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Yes. Mine is called "2010 Fusion Hybrid Owner's Guide" and is 326 pages. The "Hybrid 2010 Quick Reference Guide" is an accordion fold out 12 sided heavy paper pamphlet. Then there's also the 79 page Sync Supplemental Guide. I think the Quick Reference guide is very good.

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