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expensive for a dent


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I ran into the grocery store this morning, and my son stayed in the car. When I came back, he said the person driving the van parked next to us hit the car when she opened her door. I took a look, and there is a very noticeable dent. It is larger than quarter size, and fairly deep. The paint is scratched through to the primary coat of the Platinum White.


I took several pics with my iPhone, and called the police for advice. They advised we try to settle civilly or I could make a complaint as "mischief" because there is known property damage.


I waited for the driver to come back, and she looked surprised that I was still parked next to her. I mentioned the issue, and she acknowledged hearing and feeling the impact, yet could not find any damage to my vehicle. She showed me she expected the damage to be just below the belt line. She thought there was no way she caused this type of damage, and then I asked her to open her door to see where they would meet. Well that was it for that conversation. She gave me her name and phone number and instructed me to call her husband.


I visited the dealership I purchased the car from, and they have quoted $1,039.00 and 3-4 days for the repair! The estimator said the Platinum White needs to be blended across a significant section to prevent the repair work from being obvious. The multiple stages also add to the time and therefore the labour.


This lady, or more likely her husband is going to have a bird, and I am concerned they will be reluctant to pay for any damages. I will get additional estimates, I will NOT skimp on the repair. I factory ordered to get this colour, and took delivery on November 27, the car is still so new.


Wish me luck!


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That just sucks! People are so disrespectful of other people's property, but you at least know who the culprit is and she admitted her guilt. That doesn't usually happen. They usually just drive off without a care in the world.


The tri-coats are indeed expensive to repair and difficult to match. It takes a skilled painter. I had two tri-coat Lincoln LSes. I can't say whether the price is excessive or not, though. You could try getting an estimate from another quality shop in your area, just to get a ball-park figure for comparison purposes. The dealer is not always the best source. This isn't to say yours isn't. Do they farm out the work or is the shop a part of the dealership? Can you get to see an example of their work?


I hope you got the name of her insurance company too. If her husband objects, file a claim against her insurance. I had to do this once. An elderly woman in a Grand Marquis insisted on trying to squeeze past my wife to get into a left turn lane when there wasn't enough room. She left a long scratch on the side of the bumper cover. I went to her insurance company's drive-in claims center and they issued me a check on the spot. In the alternative, you could tell the husband you intend to file a police report and a property damage report. I don't know what the threshold is your state, but here in NY if there's property damage exceeding $1001, a report has to be filed with the state DMV within 10 days. Failure to do so can result in license suspension. That might free up his purse strings.


Good luck. Let us know what happens.

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I hope you had the police respond and write up a report. Good luck to you if you didn't. Undocumented damage is hard to claim, even if you do go to small claims court.

Personally, I would laugh at anything close to $1000 for that repair, even though it may in fact be accurate.

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Hi there,


The dealership I went to has it's own body shop attached to the service department. I have had two vehicles repaired there, and have been happy both times. They are not quick, but they are good. The tri-coat does add an element to the quality of work - I will visit a couple other shops. This should satisfy any insurance company or the other driver, as well as my interest in making sure I am comfortable with the repair shop chosen.


I called the police, they would not respond as neither vehicle was moving - therefore this would not be considered a collision. I kept detailed notes, and have 15 photos taken that show the placement of the vehicles, the damage, the location in the parking lot... She did not give me her insurance information, that is what I need to get from her husband when I phone.


I do have the paperwork from the lube shop yesterday, and their walk-around inspection that notes the exterior condition as excellent. I am preparing myself that this may not be a walk in the park, yet I have taken the necessary steps to get this covered. Any other day, either myself or the other driver would have just driven off, and the damage would not have been noticed and documented. Here's hoping...

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Hi there,


The dealership I went to has it's own body shop attached to the service department. I have had two vehicles repaired there, and have been happy both times. They are not quick, but they are good. The tri-coat does add an element to the quality of work - I will visit a couple other shops. This should satisfy any insurance company or the other driver, as well as my interest in making sure I am comfortable with the repair shop chosen.


I called the police, they would not respond as neither vehicle was moving - therefore this would not be considered a collision. I kept detailed notes, and have 15 photos taken that show the placement of the vehicles, the damage, the location in the parking lot... She did not give me her insurance information, that is what I need to get from her husband when I phone.


I do have the paperwork from the lube shop yesterday, and their walk-around inspection that notes the exterior condition as excellent. I am preparing myself that this may not be a walk in the park, yet I have taken the necessary steps to get this covered. Any other day, either myself or the other driver would have just driven off, and the damage would not have been noticed and documented. Here's hoping...



Hi Dan. :D Sorry to hear about the bad luck. Hopefully things will work out for the best. And if they do, remember to buy your son a new baseball glove or something. Without him, you would have never known. :roses:


Good luck. :beerchug:

Edited by bbf2530
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In New Jersey, it doesn't matter if the cars were moving or parked in a private parking lot (mall etc.) as long as there's what appears to be $200 worth of damage (I think that's the threshold). And what cop is going to become a body shop expert and judge what $200 worth of damage looks like anyway, if anything at all is visible, he's going to write up a report for you. Besides, you sneeze today on a car and it's got $200 worth of damage, right?


Always, Always, Always get a police report unless the "other guy" is willing to flip open his wallet on the spot and pay you in cash an amount you both agree to.


You have nothing to go on other then a name and phone number, which might not even be valid. The other party could claim your damage was pre-existing or that they were never even there. Getting a police report will put a little fear into them and you have something substantial to turn into the insurance company too.


Please do let us know how this all ends up because I'm guessing you get little to nothing from the other party involved, nor their insurance either. If you don't get anything, find their car some night and "repay" them in kind (but leave your Son at home this time.)


And I agree with BBF, please do remember to treat your Son for tipping you to the event.

Edited by Rodeo
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I did phone the police, and they said they would not respond as this was not a collision. The police will often not come out to an collision with no injuries and less than $1,000.00 in damage. I can file a mischief complaint if they do not agree to settle. I have photos of their licence plate and their VIN. Both vehicles parked next to each other, and even a photo of her door open - showing the Montana body cladding lining up perfectly with the dent.


When I spoke to the husband, he agrees it should be fixed properly, and asked for a few estimates before deciding to pay out of pocket or go through insurance. I have their names, phone numbers, and now their address. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Yes, I will treat my son to something for letting me know.



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Just out of curiosity, what State do you live in because I want to make sure I never move there if the police can't be bothered to come out and write up a report. If I do move there, I'll be packin' heat to deal with offenders then and let the cops come do clean up afterwards...

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I ran into the grocery store this morning, and my son stayed in the car. When I came back, he said the person driving the van parked next to us hit the car when she opened her door. I took a look, and there is a very noticeable dent. It is larger than quarter size, and fairly deep. The paint is scratched through to the primary coat of the Platinum White.


I took several pics with my iPhone, and called the police for advice. They advised we try to settle civilly or I could make a complaint as "mischief" because there is known property damage.


I waited for the driver to come back, and she looked surprised that I was still parked next to her. I mentioned the issue, and she acknowledged hearing and feeling the impact, yet could not find any damage to my vehicle. She showed me she expected the damage to be just below the belt line. She thought there was no way she caused this type of damage, and then I asked her to open her door to see where they would meet. Well that was it for that conversation. She gave me her name and phone number and instructed me to call her husband.


I visited the dealership I purchased the car from, and they have quoted $1,039.00 and 3-4 days for the repair! The estimator said the Platinum White needs to be blended across a significant section to prevent the repair work from being obvious. The multiple stages also add to the time and therefore the labour.


This lady, or more likely her husband is going to have a bird, and I am concerned they will be reluctant to pay for any damages. I will get additional estimates, I will NOT skimp on the repair. I factory ordered to get this colour, and took delivery on November 27, the car is still so new.


Wish me luck!


Hey Danager, I just read your post on your mall mishap, my heart bleeds for you. Let me tell you a little story, After taking delivery of my Snowball last April a year ago, my wife did not know I had bought my new car she was dumbfounded to say the least. The following Saturday she says I'm taking your car to do some shopping, my face fell to the ground I didn't know how to tell her " OVER MY DEAD BODY" just take your own car. So, I smiled and frowned at the same time and said "if you ever take my car you must promise me that you will never park close to any other car. That you will search for a place where you know no one will want to park close to you. And I mean even if you have to walk 1/2 a mile to the mall entrance, she did promise. And then I watched her drive away with tears in my eyes.

I then left with my friend for the afternoon, upon my arrival back home I saw my car parked in the driveway. I immediately walked to my car and gave it the up close inspection. From the corner of my eye I could see my wife looking at me from the living room window with my nose almost an inch from the paint sniffing for what could be an eventual disaster. And after my inspection I took a big sigh of relief, nothing not a scratch. I walked into the house.....my wife said nothing.......I said nothing........and she never took my car again. For the past year I've been very careful where I park at ALL TIMES. And still on Snowball's anniversary April 27th in 2 days I expect there will be not a dent and not a scratch. That's why my heart goes out to you, do me a favor don't let that person get away with what she has done.......it's not for your car that I say that.......a car is still just a car, although it's your car. It's the fact that some people just don't give a damn. It's that kind of attitude that make the world the rotten place it is. Just remember it's up to us to tip the balance the other way, "TURN THE OTHER CHEEK" absolutely do just that but make her pay where it hurts, "in the wallet" and deliver the message "I'm sorry for what happened but you made it happen I will not hold it against you, but you must pay $$$$" Why should you pay Danager you didn't do anything wrong, and look at what your left with. Thank God it wasn't a life threatening situation. Let us know how it turns out, God bless.

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Hey guys, let me add something to this topic. Here in Quebec we have what we call "NO FAULT INSURANCE". Let me explain, one day I was washing the family mini-van, a Honda Odyssey and then I saw a nice big dent in the front bumper. Not knowing who, what, when and where I still called my insurance and the claims adjuster told me no problem we'll get the van repaired but you have to pay the deductible. I said why, I didn't do anything I'm not responsible for these damages. He added if you would have stayed on the scene and asked for police report you would not have to pay your deductible. I told him I only noticed once I was home, he says there's nothing I could do, just read your policy. I then got a flash, I told him I'll call you back and hung up the phone. I immediately drove to the mall closest to my house, parked nose in facing another car and called the cops. When the cops came an hour later, I told them that someone hit my car while I was shopping and I noticed when I walked between the cars. They instantly wrote up a report, gave me a file number and said give this to your insurance. The next day I called up my claims adjuster and told him " here's your police report, file number so and so" and that was it my van got fixed no questions asked. Guess what I learned from all that, if the truth doesn't work tell them what they want to hear... You know living in Quebec sucks but sometimes there are a few quirky benefits.

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Just out of curiosity, what State do you live in because I want to make sure I never move there if the police can't be bothered to come out and write up a report. If I do move there, I'll be packin' heat to deal with offenders then and let the cops come do clean up afterwards...


Hey Rodeo, like Danager said your more that welcome to visit with us, but I'm afraid you'll have to leave your piece at the border. You see here in the great north we're like Dodge City, get the analogy. Plus we don't need pack here we just sick our wives on them.

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Even worse - I'll sick my ex-wife on them!


I grew up in Michigan, so I know no-fault. It is easy to deal with your adjuster, because you are going to pay... Or best case, the other person (or their insurance company) will pay your deductible. In the Detroit area, AAA is so common, they would often waive the deductible for the person not at-fault is both drivers had AAA. I am not sure which type of insurance I prefer yet, I do know what type of justice I prefer.


I work at West Edmonton Mall - where finding any parking can sometimes result in adventure. It is also a fine balance between parking far enough away that I do not need to worry about other drivers, and parking so far away that I need to worry about the thieves. I usually park beside one of those large concrete barriers - so I only need to worry about somebody parking on one side of me. In this instance, I parked a little closer to the door because my son was staying in the car.


I have Monday off, and will visit a couple more reputable collision shops, and I hope to get the ball rolling on the repairs ASAP. I am not sure what to do when I am without a vehicle for a few days... I do not have rental coverage, so I am not expecting somebody to pay for it. We shall see, maybe they will lend me their van ;)


I will keep you updated,


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  • 3 weeks later...

After visiting two dent removal specialists, they said not a chance of removing the dent. So I went to three reputable body shops, and the estimates are between $908 and $1039. The repair will take 3-4 days. I called the other party tonight, and they want to go through their insurance company. I am not surprised, and I actually prefer it this way - as I want to make sure this is handled properly. My concern is the issue of not having a car for 3-4 days. I am single, work full time, and have my three young children on my days off. I will obviously be renting a car. The last estimator said the other insurance company would only pay for a rental if I had that on my policy? I am not sure if I do, so now I need to check. If not, I may be footing the $150.00 for a rental. I hope this doesn't take too long, get approval > make appointment at body shop > wait for repairs to be completed.


The last adjuster also recommended I document the damage very well for trade-in or resale purposes. If the repair comes up as an issue, noting the damage was small and localized to one door would likely put a buyer at ease. This is why I am leaning towards having the dealership repair the car. I have traded in my last 3 vehicles there when purchasing.

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The last adjuster also recommended I document the damage very well for trade-in or resale purposes. If the repair comes up as an issue, noting the damage was small and localized to one door would likely put a buyer at ease. This is why I am leaning towards having the dealership repair the car. I have traded in my last 3 vehicles there when purchasing.


Take some better photoso with a digital camera (not your phone) and keep them in your records so you can show what the damage looked like that was repaired. That should put potential buyers at ease.

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  • 1 month later...

Dropped the car off on Monday, it may be ready to go Friday. The dealership is also replacing the chrome grill under warranty because of the chrome finish de-laminating in the top bar. I took it to the dealership tht sold me the cart, and I spoke to my salesman when I dropped it off. He will be keeping tabs on it and will call with any issues or updates. Insurance is also paying for a rental, and he was able to upgrade that for me. I am driving a 2011 Mustang convertible for the week!

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A bit off the original topic, but here (Ontario, Canada) the police don't want to attend collisions unless there is an injury or crime involved. Over $1000 damage and you have to both drive or be towed to a police station or special 'reporting centre.'

If you insist that they attend (because you are blocking some road and won't move until they do) they are usually going to write a ticket to whoever seems to be at fault. I got rear-ended once and the other driver got to experience this. Probably wouldn't happen with a parking lot ding. The idea si that it's just another civil dispute, like a dry cleaner ruining your suit or some known and identifiable kids putting a baseball through your house window.

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The car should be ready for pick up tomorrow - 10 days after going in. The final paint was applied today and some additional time was allotted before it would be driven again. I forgot to ask about the grill, I hope that will be taken care of already. I have enjoyed this rental car, and the weather has been beautiful allowing me to have the top down every time I have driven the car. I have three kids, and I learned the practicality of a sedan this last week. I must admit, two booster seats look funny wedged into the rear buckets on the Mustang's +2 seating. I really liked the leather in the car, it complimented the texture on the dash and doors, and is super easy to clean. I will be ordering the leather interior and seat heaters for the Fusion shortly as a result.

I have begun to miss my Fusion, the quiet cabin, the smooth ride, the trunk large enough to hold more than a backpack.

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I picked up my car, and it looks beautiful again! The bill came to $1,564.xx including the rental. It took just over a week, and because I had a rental, I didn't mind. 2 hours after I left the dealership, they call to say the replacement component for the grill is in. They want me to drop it off for the day to R&R this one part. I removed this to change the headlights, and can do the job in 5 minutes in the parking lot. I may do just that (if they let me).


Now looking at trading the Fusion in for a 2010 F-150. There may be a travel trailer in my future, and the Fusion is not set up to tow ;) Just waiting on the dealer to locate the specs I want and then work out the financing. 8K in rebates and incentives, and A-Plan pricing on top of that. I have been loyal to this dealer, so I usually get a good trade-in value. We shall see...

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