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Congress: Hybrids need to be noisier


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A speaker/amp under the hood would be easy, I can just imagine being stuck in traffic & my car making noises as if it has gas (not gasoline) rant.gif

For years bicycles have been quiet and 1000s of people have probably been run over and killed by them Congress should take note and fix this dangerous problem. lol

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I wonder if any studies have been done to determine if there's actually an increase in accidents due to the quietness of hybrids. Even if the pedestrian is blind, the driver has the responsibility to avoid accidents with pedestrians. I suppose if the blind pedestrian is jaywalking, then there could be a problem, but then again the hybrid is only quiet at slow speeds, so there should be plenty of reaction time...

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it was the driver's responsibility to make sure the pedestrians were out of the way before moving


It might be the drivers responsibility, but the pedestrian will pay the price when the driver fails to do so, and with all the extra distractions nowadays, it doesn't look good for the pedestrians. I'm not THAT old, and I can see a marked difference in the way people drive today compared to when I was younger. Drivers are way more impatient and seem to have a sense of 'I'm moving here! Nothing else is important enough to get in may way or slow me down in the least.'

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Since the "dumb masses" are considered to be incapable of makeing decisions, excercising free will or taking responsibility for their lives, the Imperial Federal Government will continue to erode freedoms and expand control over every aspect of our existance. They do it for our own good and for their greater glory It's called being Progressive.


How long will it take before they set our daily menu, pick jobs for us and design our vehicles?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why put all the blame on the hybrids? There are plenty of V8's out there that are super quiet now days. This is NOT just a hybrid issue! More blame should be put on the pedestrian for reckless walking in parking lots and walking into crosswalks without looking. Parents need to teach their children more safety when around automobiles.


On the otherside of the fence, my GT500 has upset a few because it is too loud. BTW, when the ICE is running in my FFH, it makes a lot more noise than most non-hybrid motors.


And, what difference will it make when you walk infront of a car doing 5 or more MPH? You won't hear most coming anyway.


OPEN YOUR EYES CONGRESS!!! This is idiotic...

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I have already hit a pedestrian. I was backing up in a gravel parking lot at a model aircraft field and he had been standing in the lot talking to a driver that had already backed out to leave. He was walking backwards while talking to the driver and walked into my left rear as I backed up. I had not seen him in my TV or mirrors. I had seen the other car. No damage was done and he apologized. I had been very careful before and I am doubly careful now. Let's not make this political. This is a real problem.

Edited by lolder
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As a society and culture we've thrown too much responsibility on the driver and pedestrians take no blame for anything. It doesn't matter how quiet or loud a vehicle is people seem to be prone to wandering aimlesssly through parking lots, cross-walks,streets and the like not paying attention to their surroundings while texting or playing some assininegame on a phone or whatever. It's like SFO banning happy meals..........It's the parents responsibility to teach their kids. Everyone needs to be aware of their surroundings whether your behind the wheel, on a bike...motorized or not or as a pedestrian. For the remaining hapless losers out there....put down the phone and open your fricken eyes!!

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I have already hit a pedestrian. I was backing up in a gravel parking lot at a model aircraft field and he had been standing in the lot talking to a driver that had already backed out to leave. He was walking backwards while talking to the driver and walked into my left rear as I backed up. I had not seen him in my TV or mirrors. I had seen the other car. No damage was done and he apologized. I had been very careful before and I am doubly careful now. Let's not make this political. This is a real problem.


So you were on gravel (noisy), the ped was walking backwards and talking to a driver of a moving vehicle (not paying attention). NOT YOUR FAULT.


Your right, lets not make this political, but wait, it already was made political when congress stepped in.


This is a dearly personal issue for me for reason I will not get into. Education is the one and only answer. A vehicle can be as loud as a Top Fuel Funny Car and people will still step in front of it for many reasons/excuses. Believe me I know, they do it when I'm in my '10 Mustang GT500 and it isn't quiet by no means.

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