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Wrench engine light


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My Wife just called, 300 miles from home, cruising toward home in our FFH and the wrench engine light just came on. The manual just says to contact a dealer as soon as possible, some kind of powertrain warning. Does anyone have any experience with the wrench light? These things always seem to happen on Sunday. She pulled over and restarted the engine, and it did not come back on as of now. We have about 60 thousand miles on the vehicle and have had no issues. If it comes back on I'm going to have her stop at an Advanced Auto or Autozone and see if they pull any codes with their free OBD2 diagnostic test.

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The service manual just says this for the wrench light:


Throttle Control/Powertrain malfunction (RTT): Illuminates when a powertrain fault has been detected. If the indicator stays on or continues to come on, contact your authorized dealer as soon as possible.


Elsewhere on this forum someone said it could be an early indicator of low tire pressure as one tire rotation per minute gets higher than the other 3.



Edited by VonoreTn
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My Wife made it home with no problems, other than she had to stop twice to get the wrench light to go off. It stayed off for the last 200 miles. No rough running engine. I have seen the TB mentioned on other threads here as the culprit for a rough running engine and the wrench light, and I am hoping that someone with more specific information can tell me what about the TB causes the rough running engine. I have cleaned my own and other peoples TB's in the past and I consider them to be very simple devices, compared to carburetors that I used to rebuild years ago. Of course they are in a complex system with the MAF sensor, the throttle position sensor, and a bunch of other stuff, but the TB itself is a simple thing that I would not want to spend $652 at a dealer for any service related to it, as occurred elsewhere on this forum. The only shortfall for TB's I have seen are carbon build up and a sticky throttle plate, but that is fairly easy to fix at no cost, just my own labor.


"Since it's not covered by the powertrain warranty, the repair cost me $652.67" thread comment 44, at


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Most of these posts have been from non-hybrids. I don't think they translate especially since there's no roughness. Enter the Engineering Test Mode to check the DTC's before you take it to the dealer.

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The cause of the rough running when the throttle body has a failure is due to what's called failure mode effects management (FMEM). Basically when the computer detects a fault with the throttle body, it gives up trying to move the throttle anymore. The throttle springs back to it default slightly open position, which would cause the engine to race at idle. The computer deals with this by cutting ignition timing to control the RPM, hence the rough running. Turning the car off and on clears the fault, so the computer resumes normal throttle operation until another fault is detected.


But I agree that most of the other problems have been with the non-hybrids. Wrench light could indicate some sort of fault with the hybrid powertrain, like the motor/generators.


I think ETM will only report cluster-related DTCs, not powetrains. You'll have to use an OBD-II scanner on it if you want to retrieve codes before it goes to the dealer (auto parts stores usually do this for free). Do not clear the codes since you want the dealer techs to see them.

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I just had Advanced auto put a code reader on it and they got no codes. I tried to do a vehicle health report, and the car screen said it was submitted, but the syncmyride.com website hasn't received it. They did one for me a couple of years ago but now when I access sync it just says that my health report has expired.

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The vehicle health report does not include support for sending trouble codes. All it will do is tell you if the check engine or wrench light is on (which you can see sitting in the driver's seat, so it's pretty much worthless). You'll have to hope it does it again, you can get it to a dealer, and it has pending or stored codes for whatever the problem is.

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It was at 63k miles that the wrench light on my 2010 FFH went on, it wasn't running any differently and seemed fine but there was that light to make me worry about who-knows-what. I went to the dealer the next day, for mine it was the oxygen sensor that was reading "out of limits" according to the service advisor. They replaced it and the light hasn't come back on since, and this week I will pass 124k miles.


And BTW I think the total cost of that work was about $160-200 and was covered by the extended warranty -- and was the only thing ever repaired under the extended warranty so they made money from me..

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It was at 63k miles that the wrench light on my 2010 FFH went on, it wasn't running any differently and seemed fine but there was that light to make me worry about who-knows-what. I went to the dealer the next day, for mine it was the oxygen sensor that was reading "out of limits" according to the service advisor.


You would think a bad oxygen sensor code would turn on the check engine light since it's an emissions problem, not the wrench light?

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I'm going to wait for a symptom of a problem or a code, now that the car is back in the home area. O2 sensors are only about $30 apiece, they screw into the exhaust and have an electrical connector on them. A high or low reading on them could be dozens of other issues, I assume the computer is smart enough to know the difference between a high or low reading and a failed O2 sensor.

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Well my wrench light came on this weekend too. I didn't notice any rough running or high idle. I did notice that when I hit a level stretch of road where the car is cruising at 45-48mph the motor flip-flop between EV and gas to the point that it feels like it's bucking. I either speed up or slow down a bit and it then decides which mode it wants. It was doing that this weekend when the light came on. After restarting and going on another 40-50 miles trip it hasn't come back on. If it does then it's dealer time.



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Mine has not come back on after another tank of gas. While the light was on the road mileage was below normal, about 36 mpg. Now the mileage is back up over 40 and the wrench light has not come back on. Since I didn't pull any codes, I'm not going to worry about it.


My FFH switches back and forth from electric to gas if the battery charge is high, and I am vacillating above and below 45 mph. But it is seamless, I would never notice it without the dash status.

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  • 1 month later...

I've had the wrench indicator light go on on three different trips, all while crossing the CA desert in 100+ heat. I simply pull over, turn the car off and on, and the light resets. Never had it go on any other time. I chalk it up to several hours of highway driving in extreme heat.

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  • 2 months later...

I also had the yellow wrench coming on while traveling 70+ MPH and in cruise control. It would reset when I would restart the car, but I took it to my dealer anyways. I ended up paying over $200 for the dealer to flash the PCM with an upgrade. The invoice indicated that there was an overheat code produced by the main electric motor. I thought the hybrid system’s warranty would have covered this, but according to the service manager it would not. So now I am out the cost of “upgrading” the FFH’s software, but at least that annoying wrench is gone.

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Thank you for your input. I will attempt contacting Ford’s warranty department later today. To give some additional information I have the TSB and verbiage.


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Just received a phone call from the service manager at the dealership, he stated Ford has decided that I would not be receiving financial compensation for the repair they performed. He wasn’t able to name specifics as to whether or not the software update actually pertained specifically to the hybrid system. I assume that this claim falls in a grey area between the two propulsion systems and Ford uses that to deny responsibility. Any suggestions on further perusing this, or should I just leave it be?

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