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Wrench engine light


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My 2010 FFH has 77K, an intermittent wrench light and a pattern which others have described. The FFH is at the dealer even as I write -- I am waiting to hear some good news -- and, after reading the many good FFT-posts re: this problem, I am encouraged to think that it might not break the bank to get a fix; maybe just a software update.

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I live in Las Vegas, I have a 2010 FFH and I got the wrench light about 3 months ago (during the 110+ heat of summer). The car would buck severely and the wrench light would come on every time I applied the brakes in the regenerative braking speed region. Accompanying message read a charging system problem. I limped the car home using the E-Brake only (that sucked). I took the car into the dealership, and after re-flashing the EEC, the car still had the problem. They had to contact Ford's regional engineering office, and were told the high voltage wiring harness had a short in it. They ordered the harness, which took two days to get here, replaced the harness, and the problem was fixed. Cost me $650, but worth every penny. Love this car!

I'm lovin' your FFH love, larryprince! I'm glad to see that your FFH was repaired and you're back to using the very useful Regenerative Braking feature. :)


My 2010 FFH has 77K, an intermittent wrench light and a pattern which others have described. The FFH is at the dealer even as I write -- I am waiting to hear some good news -- and, after reading the many good FFT-posts re: this problem, I am encouraged to think that it might not break the bank to get a fix; maybe just a software update.

Have you heard back from the dealer, DouglasDC-6? Keep me posted.



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  • 1 month later...

I have an 09 fusion gas 2.3 L. My car starts but absolutely no throttle. The wrench light is on. I pulled the throttle body off looked in my intake and there was mucky coolant and oil in the bottom of my intake. My coolant level was pretty low. Pulled the spark plugs and one had oil on it and another had coolant on it. Butt no external leaks of oil or coolant. The outside of the motor is clean as a whistle any advice as to what is happening. My exhaust is pretty clean coming out the tail pipe.

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  • 5 months later...

While heading to Florida for my granddaughter's high school graduation last week in my 2010 FFH, suddenly the yellow wrench appeared and scared me to death. I pulled into a rest area and waited about 10 minutes. No wrench when I started the engine again, but it came on after 3 minutes. This happened several more times during the trip. The wrench did not light up while I drove to the ceremony, but on the way back home I passed a car at about 80 mph (I know, I was speeding) and the light came back on. I stopped for lunch, and when I started the car the wrench was off. I kept my speed under 75 mph and the light never came back on. After reading some of the comments, I can add: the outside temps were in the mid-80's, the car did not run rough, I did not smell an odor, the tires had correct pressure, the fluids were fine. Basically, I could find nothing wrong with the car; the light just came on at a high speed and stayed on even when I slowed down. I've never had problems with my FFH before, and I have nearly 69,000 miles on it. I love my FFH!!! Do I need to take it to a dealer or my local mechanic or just wait and see if the light comes on again?

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  • 1 month later...

I've experienced the wrench light coming on while driving in hot weather with the AC on for a total of 2 times now. The first time occurred about a year ago. Mind you, I didn't experience any loss of power and after pulling over and not driving for a couple of hours, the wrench light was gone and the car behaved normally. When this incident occurred the first time, I took the car in to the Ford Dealer and they couldn't find anything wrong. Since then, i've just never really had to use the AC while driving (luckily its not usually very hot where I live)

Well, it happened again this past weekend while I was again driving in hot weather with the AC on. There was a heat wave and my passenger just couldn't take it and turned the AC on and sure enough (the AC was only for maybe only about 10 minutes) the wrench light appeared again. I didn't lose any power and just continued to drive to my destination and a couple of hours later, when restarting the car-the car was fine. I've made an appointment to take the car in to the Ford Dealer again but I think they are going to tell me again that they can't find anything wrong with the car. I would really like this to be fixed so that i can use my AC while in hot weather. Anyone have any advice? Do I need a program update?

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I took my FFH to the dealership because the wrench engine light kept coming on when I drove at least an hour at 70 mph (see earlier post about going to my granddaughter's high school graduation). Although the light was not on when I reached the dealership, they ran a diagnostic and said my transmission was not communicating with some other part of the engine (I can't remember now exactly what part it was). They did a software update, and I haven't had a problem since. Hopefully, that fixed the problem.

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  • 1 month later...

My 2010 FFH recently started the yellow wrench light issue as well. 80k miles on the car and very hot driving here in Vegas. It came on again today on a long drive to SoCal (95 degrees). No power loss, no smell, no issues...except I have noticed that my electric motor/electrics coolant reservoir has been low lately.


I stopped on my drive today, topped off the coolant level to the fill hot marks and continued on my way. Drove another 1.5 hours in the heat with no issues.


I think it's a computer re-flash issue, however, check you coolant levels folks. Mine was low and I believe that could be part of the issue. I'll report back any subsequent issues/finds.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for digging up an old post, but this seems a common issue with fusion owners. I myself have seen this 3 times, all while on long trip freeway driving. Before the light went on, there were engine rough runs (or I think it's more a transmission tried to switch a wrong gear at wrong moment). I brought my car to dealer the first time and was told the error was transmission temperature too high (?!) - it's summer time but not hot by any measure - no transmission should become "too hot" under such weather and driving condition(cruising speed so no frequent gear changes). It costed me $100 to just read the code even though it's either a bug in computer of there is faulty part in powertrain so should have been covered under warranty. The subsequent 2 occurrences, I just restart the car to clear the code.


The cause of the rough running when the throttle body has a failure is due to what's called failure mode effects management (FMEM). Basically when the computer detects a fault with the throttle body, it gives up trying to move the throttle anymore. The throttle springs back to it default slightly open position, which would cause the engine to race at idle. The computer deals with this by cutting ignition timing to control the RPM, hence the rough running. Turning the car off and on clears the fault, so the computer resumes normal throttle operation until another fault is detected.



I am not sure if I fully understand what you wrote, but what caused the fault? And how can that fault be cleared by restarting the car? Is it something that should be a concern, or we just live with it?

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Some older FFHs have had this problem. It is a motor/electronics cooling ( MEC ) overheat. That is a separate cooling system from the engine with it's own reservoir and electric circulating pump. It should not overheat and it should be attended to. There may be a TSB that changes the schedule of the computer controlled cooling pump. Making sure the radiator is clear and fluid level is normal are items to check. There are no gear shifts in these cars. I do not know if the MEC pump is covered under the hybrid transmission coverage of 8 years and 100,000 miles. It is not listed as such but it certainly is essential to it.

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  • 7 months later...

First post, resurrecting an old thread just to add a bit of data.

2010 FFH with under 70k miles so it's still under the hybrid 100/8yr.


While interstate driving at about 70mph over a couple of hours on a 85 degree day the yellow wrench light illuminated with no other concerns. After stopping for gas the light was extinguished. Local driving for a couple of days and the light didn't come on. 3 days after the first incident, again interstate driving for a couple of hours on a warm day the light came on again. It was reported to the local dealer (away from home) after the first incident but they couldn't get to the car even for a code check. After the second incident the car was taken to the local dealer.


Before taking it to the dealer I googled it and ended up here, on this thread. I read up on TSB 11-7-31 (thanks FusionDiffusion)

and actually said as much on the online appointment scheduler for the dealer. Printed a copy and took it in, handed it to the Service Advisor and suggested the car needed application of the TSB. His first statement was, "We'll have to do a diagnostic which will be about $130." I asked if I needed to sign anything and he said, "Not right now." And off I went. Advisor called the next day to say the TSB was applied and suggested the car needed a new battery and fuel system service.


When I picked up the car I questioned him on the cost since it seemed to me the diagnostic pointed to a warranty item, the TSB, which clearly states for hybrid only and diagnostic is not to be charged for a warranted item. He said the car exceeded the 3/36 bumper to bumper and that the computer did not recognize the diagnostic/TSB as a hybrid warranty item. I'm not going to argue with him since he's convinced it's not a warranty item (the computer won't warrant it) and doing so wouldn't get me anywhere even though it seems totally dependent on who your dealer it. The service receipt shows they applied TSB 10-21-10 (which 11-7-31 superseded). I sent him an email suggesting again that it should have been covered under the 8/100, and that the stated TSB was incorrect. He called to tell me whatever the receipt may have said, the current TSB was applied as the system would not let them apply a superseded TSB.


What the TSB states exactly is: "WARRANTY STATUS: Eligible Under Provisions Of New Vehicle Limited Warranty Coverage IMPORTANT: Warranty coverage limits/policies are not altered by a TSB. Warranty coverage limits are determined by the identified causal part."


The service guy seems to think the New Vehicle Limited Warranty is simply the 3/36 and I'm not convincing him otherwise. Little chance I'm going to see the $130 but will not lose sleep over it. The car works and we're happy with it. The only other issue we've ever had was several years ago the dash went dark for a minute but a restart got it back. Never did it before or since.


We really like this car and have recommended it to anyone looking to do a hybrid. 40+mpg and heated seats ... great car!


One other thing, I sent a couple of PMs to the Ford Rep on the board with incident details, VIN, that sort of thing, and have gotten no response.

Edited by jjg3
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Go look up the warranty online - it will tell you whether that part is covered under the 3/36, 5/60 or 8/100 warranty.


Also - the Ford service reps are no longer here but you can reach them at Twitter and Facebook @FordService.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My 2011 FFH just had the dreaded wrench icon. Ford says the car needs a software update to fix the problem. Cost 160.00 for the diagnostic check and $130.00 for the update. Anyone else have the update to fix the wrench icon?

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I was driving on a short trip and all of a sudden a noise came on with a yellow wrench so my husband pulled over and turned of the car and when we turned it back on there was no power steering it was impossible to turn the wheel this happened 3 times and the 3rd time I was in Delaware and my husband told me not to turn off the car or I would not be able to drive home so I had to leave my car running for 4 days.. Now ever time I go over 80 mph the wrench comes on but when we check it no codes come on scary.. No recalls spent more fixing it then it's worth.. Contacted ford no reponse??? Any ideas 2010 with 187,000 runs good

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  • 2 months later...

So I wanted to add a follow-up data point on this. We just got the car back from its 100,000 mi checkup/service and Ford ran the diagnostic for the wrench light and I guess they found the problem, or the computer flagged it...whatever. I think they charged me $130 to run the diagnostic but they did the TSB for free. (I'm currently overseas on business so my wife is handling this, that's why I'm uncertain of the exact cost).


I'll update this thread if there are any more problems, but hopefully this will solve the wrench light.


As a side note, I have had 5+ wrench lights over the past few really hot months here in Vegas.

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  • 2 years later...

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